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On May 30, 2020 Governor Cooper issued Executive Order 142 (EO 142). EO 142 extended the period for which disconnections for nonpayment of utility services and charging a late fee are prohibited. The period is extended through July 29, 2020.

For customers who are unable to make payment the Town will provide payment plan options. You will need to contact the Town Hall at (828)245-5108 for more information.

Customers will continue to receive monthly bills during this time. The Town does not have the authority to waive past due balances. Therefore, if you are unable to make payment, you need to contact the Town Hall to set up a payment arrangement to avoid accumulating a large balance due.

Resources for anyone experiencing financial difficulties can be found at:

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve, further updates that impact utility customers will be posted on the Town’s webpage (https://townofbostic.com), Facebook page and posted at the Town Hall. If you have any questions you may contact us at (828)245-5108; messages are checked during the workweek.


Released: June 1, 2020